Machine Learning for Nonorographic Gravity Waves in a Climate Model
Steven Hardiman, Adam Scaife, Annelize Niekerk, Rachel Prudden, Aled Owen, Samantha Adams, Tom Dunstan, Nick Dunstone, and Sam Madge
There is growing use of machine learning algorithms to replicate subgrid parameterization schemes in global climate models. Parameterizations rely on approximations; thus, there is potential for machine learning to aid improvements. In this study, a neural network is used to mimic the behavior of the nonorographic gravity wave scheme used in the Met Office climate model, important for stratospheric climate and variability.
Multi-scale dynamics of the interaction between waves and mean flows: From nonlinear WKB theory to gravity-wave parameterizations in weather and climate models
Ulrich Achatz, Young-Ha Kim, and Georg Sebastian Voelker
The interaction between small-scale waves and a larger-scale flow can be described by a multi-scale theory that forms the basis for a new class of parameterizations of subgrid-scale gravity waves (GW) in weather and climate models. The development of this theory is reviewed here. It applies to all interesting regimes of atmospheric stratification, i.e., also to moderately strong stratification as occurring in the middle atmosphere, and thereby extends classic assumption for the derivation of quasi-geostrophic theory.
An unstable mode of the stratified atmosphere under the non-traditional Coriolis acceleration
Ray Chew, Mark Schlutow, and Rupert Klein
The traditional approximation neglects the cosine components of the Coriolis acceleration, and this approximation has been widely used in the study of geophysical phenomena. However, the justification of the traditional approximation is questionable under a few circumstances. In particular, dynamics with substantial vertical velocities or geophysical phenomena in the tropics have non-negligible cosine Coriolis terms. Such cases warrant investigations with the non-traditional setting, i.e. the full Coriolis acceleration. In this manuscript, we study the effect of the non-traditional setting on an isothermal, hydrostatic and compressible atmosphere assuming a meridionally homogeneous flow.
Comparing Loon Superpressure Balloon Observations of Gravity Waves in the Tropics With Global Storm-Resolving Models
Laura Köhler, Brian Green, and Claudia Stephan
Superpressure balloons, which drift approximately on isopycnal surfaces, get displaced by gravity waves and are thus capable of detecting gravity wave signatures. The project Loon provides superpressure balloon data in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere from 2011 to 2021. We compare Loon data from the 6 years of best data coverage with output of global storm-resolving models from the DYnamics of the Atmospheric general circulation Modeled On Non-hydrostatic Domains winter initiative in the tropics. We study the variance of the vertical velocity and, for the models, the gravity wave momentum flux as function of distance to closest convection.
Quantifying 3D Gravity Wave Drag in a Library of Tropical Convection-Permitting Simulations for Data-Driven Parameterizations
Qiang Sun, Pedram Hassanzadeh, M. Joan Alexander, and Christopher Kruse
Atmospheric gravity waves (GWs) span a broad range of length scales. As a result, the unresolved and under-resolved GWs have to be represented using a sub-grid scale (SGS) parameterization in general circulation models (GCMs). In recent years, machine learning (ML) techniques have emerged as novel methods for SGS modeling of climate processes. In the widely used approach of supervised (offline) learning, the true representation of the SGS terms have to be properly extracted from high-fidelity data (e.g., GW-resolving simulations). However, this is a non-trivial task, and the quality of the ML-based parameterization significantly hinges on the quality of these SGS terms. Here, we compare three methods to extract 3D GW fluxes and the resulting drag (Gravity Wave Drag [GWD]) from high-resolution simulations: Helmholtz decomposition, and spatial filtering to compute the Reynolds stress and the full SGS stress.
Explaining the physics of transfer learning in data-driven turbulence modeling
Adam Subel, Yifei Guan, Ashesh Chattopadhyay, and Pedram Hassanzadeh
Transfer learning (TL), which enables neural networks (NNs) to generalize out-of-distribution via targeted re-training, is becoming a powerful tool in scientific machine learning (ML) applications such as weather/climate prediction and turbulence modeling. Effective TL requires knowing 1) how to re-train NNs? and 2) what physics are learned during TL? Here, we present novel analyses and a framework addressing (1)-(2) for a broad range of multi-scale, nonlinear, dynamical systems.
Long-term stability and generalization of observationally-constrained stochastic data-driven models for geophysical turbulence
Ashesh Chattopadhyay, Jaideep Pathak, Ebrahim Nabizadeh, Wahid Bhimji, and Pedram Hassanzadeh
Recent years have seen a surge in interest in building deep learning-based fully data-driven models for weather prediction. Such deep learning models, if trained on observations can mitigate certain biases in current state-of-the-art weather models, some of which stem from inaccurate representation of subgrid-scale processes. However, these data-driven models, being over-parameterized, require a lot of training data which may not be available from reanalysis (observational data) products. Moreover, an accurate, noise-free, initial condition to start forecasting with a data-driven weather model is not available in realistic scenarios. Finally, deterministic data-driven forecasting models suffer from issues with long-term stability and unphysical climate drift, which makes these data-driven models unsuitable for computing climate statistics.
Learning physics-constrained subgrid-scale closures in the small-data regime for stable and accurate LES
Yifei Guan, Adam Subel, Ashesh Chattopadhyay, and Pedram Hassanzadeh
We demonstrate how incorporating physics constraints into convolutional neural networks (CNNs) enables learning subgrid-scale (SGS) closures for stable and accurate large-eddy simulations (LES) in the small-data regime (i.e., when the availability of high-quality training data is limited). Using several setups of forced 2D turbulence as the testbeds, we examine the a priori and a posteriori performance of three methods for incorporating physics: (1) data augmentation (DA), (2) CNN with group convolutions (GCNN), and (3) loss functions that enforce a global enstrophy-transfer conservation (EnsCon).
Calibration and Uncertainty Quantification of a Gravity Wave Parameterization: A Case Study of the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation in an Intermediate Complexity Climate Model
Laura Mansfield and Aditi Sheshadri
The drag due to breaking atmospheric gravity waves plays a leading order role in driving the middle atmosphere circulation, but as their horizontal wavelength ranges from tens to thousands of kilometers, part of their spectrum must be parameterized in climate models. Gravity wave parameterizations prescribe a source spectrum of waves in the lower atmosphere and allow these to propagate upwards until they either dissipate or break, where they deposit drag on the large-scale flow. These parameterizations are a source of uncertainty in climate modeling which is generally not quantified. Here, we explore the uncertainty associated with a non-orographic gravity wave parameterization given an assumed parameterization structure within a global climate model of intermediate complexity, using the Calibrate, Emulate and Sample (CES) method.
Do Nudging Tendencies Depend on the Nudging Timescale Chosen in Atmospheric Models?
Christopher Kruse, Julio Bacmeister, Colin Zarzycki, Vincent Larson and Katherine Thayer-Calder
Nudging is a ubiquitous capability of numerical weather and climate models that is widely used in a variety of applications (e.g. crude data assimilation, “intelligent” interpolation between analysis times, constraining flow in tracer advection/diffusion simulations). Here, the focus is on the momentum nudging tendencies themselves, rather than the atmospheric state that results from application of the method. The initial intent was to interpret these tendencies as a quantitative estimate of model error (net parameterization error in particular). However, it was found that nudging tendencies depend strongly on the nudging time scale chosen, which is the primary result presented here.